
22 2024

Kehillah Holocaust Museum Tour with Jenna

1:00PM - 3:00PM  

2000 East Cary Street
Richmond, VA 23223

Founded in 1997, the Virginia Holocaust Museum (VHM) is a place for Holocaust remembrance, preservation and education. On the tour, not only will we learn the history of the Holocaust but also explore themes such as the responsibility we have as humans to stand up for one another, the choices we all have, and our duty to protect democracy. I also get to share a little about my own family's connections to the Holocaust. I've been volunteering as a docent with VHM since March, and my favorite part of tours are your questions. I encourage you to join and engage with not only me but the whole group along the way. As a newcomer to Kehillah, I look forward to becoming an active member and am excited to share this opportunity with you all.