CEO Update

CEO January Update

The Big Tent There has been much discussion and many articles in print about the recently released Pew Research Center’s “Portrait of Jewish Americans”. The 2013 data shows that the American Jewish community is larger than had been reported in the National Jewish Population Study…

CEO December Update

Samuel H. Asher CEO

Who is Protecting Whom?

Early in November, we were at the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America, which takes place in Israel every five years. Since we were in Jerusalem, we also participated in the Assembly of the Jewish Agency for Israel.

The Jewish Agency Assemb…

CEO November Update

Samuel H. Asher CEO

On October 9, the JCFR hosted the 17th Annual Grand Event at the Virginia Historical Society. Mark and Susan Sisisky chaired their fourth Grand Event – it was a smashing success. We thank them for their long and dedicated leadership in our community.